Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Faith, Not Hope

This my favorite painting,
The Prayer at Valley Forge by Arnold Friberg.

My dad had this picture in his office when I was younger. Back then I was more interested in what the horse looked like than what the painting actually depicted and meant. Now that I'm older, vote, and wonder what the government spends my taxes on (I believe that everyone should pay the same percentage of taxes whether you make $1.00 or $1 Billion and that you should be able to elect where your taxes should be spent. Example - those who want secured borders with Mexico and less illegals could check a box for Border Control and those who want money to be sent to foreign countries for abortions (like President "Hope" Obama) can check a box for Baby Killing Funds. If the American people were actually able to choose the programs they wanted to fund, I'm sure things would be a lot different in this country).

Back to what I was saying...............America needs to remember how and why this country was started. How many elected officials in Washington pray for guidance to do what is best for the people of this country? I think there are prayers being offered, but most are along the lines of, "Please help me keep this a secret........I don't want to get caught."

I pray that things turn around for OUR country. I have to remind myself not to rely on HOPE (he isn't dependable), because all I really need to have is FAITH (He is always dependable). I don't believe that George Washington was hoping to lead America to victory, I believe he had faith and that's why he was on his knees.


Laurie said...

I absolutely agree with you. Also, as far as wall art, I tend to prefer photography, but this is also my very favorite painting and I look forward to a time when I can afford a large one for my wall!

jakenapril said...

so right. i agree whole-heartedly. also, that is one of my favorite paintings as well.

Luke said...

Well said Molly. The last paragraph said it all.